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Image of Ornate Horned Frog
Ornate Horned Frog

The Argentine horned frog, Ceratophrys ornata, is a vibrant rainforest predator with a massive mouth and eye 'horns.' Its striking colors camouflage it among leaves, aiding ambushes on prey. This frog plays a vital role in controlling insect populations, showcasing nature's balance.

5-8 years
320.0 - 480.0 g
Brown, Yellow, White
5 mph
Top Speed
Near Threatened
Conservation Status
Population Trend
Ceratophrys ornata, commonly known as the Argentine horned frog, is notable for its large mouth and horn-like projections above its eyes. This amphibian is native to the rainforests of Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay. It is a voracious predator, often consuming prey as large as itself. Its distinctive coloration includes vibrant greens, yellows, and oranges, helping it blend into the forest floor.
Distribution Range of the Ornate Horned Frog
Ceratophrys ornata, commonly known as the Argentine horned frog or ornate horned frog, is native to South America. Its geographical distribution includes countries such as Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil, particularly in regions associated with the Pampas grasslands.
Ornate Horned Frog's Habitat
Environmental Conditions
The Argentine horned frog typically inhabits humid environments with abundant vegetation, such as moist grasslands, marshes, and forested areas with plenty of leaf litter. These conditions provide ample cover and hunting opportunities.
Ecological Niche
Ceratophrys ornata is a terrestrial amphibian that occupies a predatory niche. It is known for its sit-and-wait hunting strategy, using its large mouth to capture prey such as insects, small mammals, and other amphibians. The species is well-adapted to periods of drought by aestivating underground until favorable conditions return.