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African Fish Eagle

The African Fish Eagle, with its striking plumage and haunting call, is a master fisherman, soaring over Africa's lakes and rivers. This majestic raptor not only symbolizes freedom but also plays a crucial role in maintaining aquatic ecosystems by controlling fish populations.

1.996 - 3.583 kg
Brown, Black, White
Least Concern
Conservation Status
Population Trend
Haliaeetus vocifer, known as the African Fish Eagle, is a large raptor native to sub-Saharan Africa. It is recognized for its distinctive black, white, and chestnut plumage and a powerful, hooked beak. The species is often found near large bodies of water, such as lakes and rivers, where it preys on fish. Its iconic call is a familiar sound across African landscapes.
Distribution Range of the African Fish Eagle
Haliaeetus vocifer, commonly known as the African Fish Eagle, is native to sub-Saharan Africa. Its geographical distribution spans across a wide range of African countries, including but not limited to Kenya, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Namibia, and South Africa. It is commonly found near large bodies of open water with abundant food supply.
African Fish Eagle's Habitat
Environmental Conditions
The African Fish Eagle typically inhabits areas near freshwater lakes, rivers, and coastal lagoons. It prefers environments with ample fish availability, which constitutes the majority of its diet. The climate in these regions is generally tropical to subtropical, with variations depending on the specific location within Africa.
Ecological Niche
As a top predator, the African Fish Eagle occupies the ecological niche of an apex predator in aquatic ecosystems. It plays a crucial role in controlling fish populations and maintaining the balance of aquatic biodiversity. The eagle is adapted to a variety of water bodies, including both freshwater and saltwater, showcasing its versatility in hunting and survival strategies.