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Image of Escolar

The escolar, a sleek predator of deep tropical seas, boasts a striking dark hue and an oil-rich flesh. Its swift movements and squid-dominated diet position it as a formidable hunter, playing a critical role in oceanic food webs. Known for its culinary delicacies, it requires careful preparation.

11 years
Length: 2.1336 m
Brown, Grey, Black
Least Concern
Conservation Status
Population Trend
Lepidocybium flavobrunneum, known as the escolar, is a deep-sea fish inhabiting tropical and temperate waters. It features a robust, elongated body, dark brown to black color, and small fins. Notable for its rich, oily flesh, this species is a fast-swimming predator that primarily feeds on squid and fish.
Distribution Range of the Escolar
Lepidocybium flavobrunneum, commonly known as the escolar, is primarily found in tropical and temperate oceans around the world. It has a wide geographical distribution, being located in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. Specific regions include the waters off the coasts of the United States, Brazil, West Africa, Japan, and Australia, among others.
Escolar's Habitat
Environmental Conditions
Escolar typically inhabits deep oceanic waters, often at depths ranging from 200 to 1,000 meters (656 to 3,280 feet). It prefers environments where the water temperature is moderate, usually around 10 to 15 degrees Celsius (50 to 59 degrees Fahrenheit). The species is known to dwell in areas with strong currents and is often found near continental shelves and slopes.
Ecological Niche
As a predatory fish, the escolar occupies a niche at mid to lower trophic levels in the marine food web. It feeds on smaller fish, squid, and other marine organisms. The species is adapted to life in deep-sea environments, where it utilizes its streamlined body to navigate through strong currents and capture prey efficiently. Due to its deep-sea habitat, it has adapted to low light conditions, relying on its acute sense of smell and lateral line system to detect prey.