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Image of Eurasian Tree Sparrow
Eurasian Tree Sparrow

The Eurasian Tree Sparrow, with its chestnut crown and vibrant black cheek patches, is a social bird found across diverse landscapes. This small avian champion supports ecosystems by dispersing seeds and managing insect populations, thriving in cheerful, bustling colonies across Europe and Asia.

3-5 years
Least Concern
Conservation Status
Population Trend
Distribution Range of the Eurasian Tree Sparrow
The Eurasian tree sparrow (Passer montanus) is native to a wide region that spans across Europe and Asia. It is found from parts of Western Europe through Eastern Europe, Russia, and across to East Asia.
Eurasian Tree Sparrow's Habitat
Environmental Conditions
Eurasian tree sparrows typically inhabit farmland, gardens, woodlands, and urban areas. They prefer environments that have a combination of open ground and cover, such as shrubs or trees, which provide nesting sites and protection.
Ecological Niche
This species occupies an ecological niche where it feeds primarily on seeds and grains, although it also consumes insects, especially during the breeding season. It often nests in cavities or dense foliage and can adapt to various environments, including human-altered landscapes such as agricultural fields and suburban areas. The adaptability to different habitats, including urban settings, is a key factor in its widespread distribution.