Black-headed Grosbeak
With its vibrant orange body and distinctive black head, the Black-headed Grosbeak enriches western North American forests. This melody-filled bird fascinates with its unique diet, able to eat toxic Monarch butterflies, contributing to balancing ecosystems. Its song is as captivating as its striking plumage.
Least Concern
Conservation Status
Population Trend
Distribution Range of the Black-headed Grosbeak
Pheucticus melanocephalus, commonly known as the Black-headed Grosbeak, is native to North America. Its geographical distribution includes the western United States, extending into parts of southern Canada and northern Mexico.
Black-headed Grosbeak's Habitat
Environmental Conditions
The Black-headed Grosbeak prefers habitats such as deciduous and mixed woodlands, especially those with a rich understory of shrubs. It is commonly found in riparian areas, forest edges, and areas with scattered trees.
Ecological Niche
This bird species occupies a niche as both a seed and insect eater, playing a role in seed dispersal and pest control. Its varied diet allows it to adapt to different environmental conditions, and it is often found in areas with abundant food resources.
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