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Image of Pink-necked Green Pigeon
Pink-necked Green Pigeon

The Pink-necked Green Pigeon is a dazzling forest dweller, adorned with vivid green and pink plumage. Known for its frugivorous diet, this bird is a crucial seed disperser in Southeast Asia, vibrantly bridging the gap between natural and urban landscapes.

4-5 years
104.89999999999999 - 158.79999999999998 g
Length: 25 - 30 cm
Grey, Yellow, Black, Orange, Pink, Olive
77 mph
Top Speed
Least Concern
Conservation Status
Population Trend
Treron vernans, commonly known as the Pink-necked Green Pigeon, is a vibrant bird species inhabiting Southeast Asian forests and urban gardens. Notable for its striking plumage, the male displays iridescent green feathers with a pinkish neck, while the female is more subdued in color. The species is frugivorous, playing a vital role in seed dispersal.
Distribution Range of the Pink-necked Green Pigeon
The Pink-necked Green Pigeon (Treron vernans) is native to Southeast Asia. Its geographical distribution includes countries such as Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines, and extends to parts of Vietnam and Cambodia.
Pink-necked Green Pigeon's Habitat
Environmental Conditions
Treron vernans typically inhabits lowland forests, mangroves, and gardens. It is often found in areas with abundant fruiting trees, as it primarily feeds on fruits. The species thrives in tropical and subtropical climates characterized by warm temperatures and high humidity.
Ecological Niche
The Pink-necked Green Pigeon plays a crucial role in seed dispersal due to its frugivorous diet. It is well-adapted to life in forest canopies, where it forages for fruit and berries. This adaptation makes it an important species for maintaining the health and regeneration of its forest habitat.