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Image of Tropical Kingbird
Tropical Kingbird

The vibrant Tropical Kingbird brightens open habitats with its gray head and yellow belly, showcasing fearless behavior as it defends its territory and helps control insect populations across the Americas.

3-6 years
Least Concern
Conservation Status
Population Trend
Distribution Range of the Tropical Kingbird
Tyrannus melancholicus, commonly known as the Tropical Kingbird, is native to the Americas. Its geographical distribution spans from the southern United States (southern Texas and Arizona) through Central America and into much of South America, reaching countries such as Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, and Peru.
Tropical Kingbird's Habitat
Environmental Conditions
The Tropical Kingbird inhabits a variety of open and semi-open habitats, including savannas, open forests, edge habitats, agricultural areas, and urban regions with abundant open spaces. It is often found near water bodies and prefers areas with scattered trees or shrubs for perching.
Ecological Niche
This species is primarily insectivorous, often sallying from perches to catch flying insects. It also consumes berries and other small fruits, especially during the non-breeding season. The Tropical Kingbird is well adapted to exploiting various food resources available in its habitat, demonstrating flexibility in both diet and habitat choice.